Well, that seems like a good omen--WOIW #15 as the first such post of 2015...? Yeah? I'm runnin' with it! So! It's been a super slow, super quiet week...Too cold to row. Doing speed work on the treadmill in the mornings. Long days to fill with hardly any mail to speak of. What is a girl to do? Drink coffee. Made a HUGE pot of tomato basil soup (yum!) Playing with lettering and my daily journal. I'm writing but not quite as much as I'd like--I journal every morning but I've yet to take it further. And I keep telling myself I want to draw more. Like daily. But I haven't. I did try to put together one of Michael's Minecraft Lego sets--those things are TEDIOUS! And TINY! So, I'll have to come back to that later. When I'm super patient. And super bored.
I have been having a slight panic attack over the itinerary for our youth group's trip to NYC next weekend that I
(stupidly) (courageously) (idon'tknowwhatiwasthinking) volunteered to tag along with as a chaperone. Okay. I
thought-"Oh cool! A chance to go to NYC! With the youth group! Very cool!" Then the letter showed up yesterday with our
torture schedule....Oh man. Pray for me. One might think the prospect of sleeping on a gymnasium floor and no shower of vital importance in maybe reconsidering the coolness of a trip to NYC with the youth group. But the truly scary, or at least not so cool part is the scheduling of activities up until 2am! Oh man. Really?? As much as I like the idea of candlelight meditation and an agape feast Eucharist, I'm really not enthusiastic about the thought of doing so from 12:30-1:30am...Oh my...And then we're back up and on the road again at 7 later that morning. Maybe I can nap on the bus both ways? Not likely. I'm too much of a scenery hog. I hope someone's making coffee part of that agape feast! Sigh....
So, anyway. I did finish
The Shining (which is way different from what I sort of remember from the movie version. I barely remember reading it the first time around...) But it was good--even though I had a total meltdown of the 'hotel' releasing Jack from the locked pantry so he could go kill Wendy and Danny--yeah, that's so not fair. But, they lived. He didn't. All's fair in love and Stephen King novels. Or at least, there's not a whole lot you can do about it other than rant in a blog post he'll never read. Now I am well into the sequel
Dr. Sleep and loving it. More crazy Kingness!
And art wise--a quick couple pics:
The continuation of my daily journal. The Reality quote in the bottom right corner is for
a Daisy Yellow Prompt60 to letter a creativity quote. |
I still have my Documented
Faith and
Life prompts to work on for the week...Will try to do something with those maybe tomorrow. In the meantime, thank you, thank you for popping on by! I hope to see you over the weekend for
Chapter Three of Grace Awakening! Have a great week!
OH , I have to use that Winter list for the POST!